BRB Award

Bernd R. Binder Publication Prize
In Vascular Biology & Thrombosis Research

The Bernd R. Binder Publication Prize was established in Memory of the founder of Technoclone Prof. Dr. Bernd R. Binder (1945-2010) to promote young scientists who have shown an outstanding contribution to the field of Vascular Biology and Thrombosis Research.
This prize underlines Technoclone's tradition in fostering and supporting innovative research in academia an outstanding contribution to the field of Vascular Biology and Thrombosis Research.

After 10 years being part of the Joint Meeting on Vascular Biology, Inflammation and Thrombosis, we are happy to announce that from 2023 on the BRB Publication Prize will be part of the European Congress on Thrombosis and Haemostasis (ECTH)  The ECTH brings together researchers, scientists, clinicians and other healthcare professionals at the premier scientific congress in Europe around thrombosis and bleeding. It offers a comprehensive scientific and clinical education across a broad set of current and soon-to-be released studies, new findings, treatments or products.

About the BRB Publication Prize

One award of € 2,500.- to the first author of an excellent original article in the areas of Vascular Biology and Thrombosis Research published in an international peer-reviewed journal.

Applicants are first author of a publication from an independent research institution (university, public research institute, etc.) in the area of Vascular Biology and/or Thrombosis Research.

The paper must be a journal article published (in print or online) in an international peer-reviewed journal in the corresponding year.

The prize will be awarded following the recommendation of a selected prize award committee.

In 2025, the publication prizes will be awarded for 2 years: apply by May 31, 2025 for the publication prize for the year 2023 and 2024. 

The publication prize for the year 2023 & 2024 will be awarded to the winners at the opening ceremony of the ECTH on October 22, 2025 in Prague, Czech Republic.
The publication prize also includes free registration at the ECTH the European Congress of Thrombosis & Haemostasis from October 22-24, 2025 in Prague, Czech Republic and the refund of the associated travel costs.

For any further questions please contact

Previous Winners of the BRB Publication Prize

Year Name                                      Article      

Dr. Sarajo Mohanta

Neuroimmune cardiovascular interfaces control atherosclerosis


Dimitrios Tsiantoulas

APRIL limits atherosclerosis by binding to heparan sulfate proteoglycans 
Nature 2021;597(7874):92-96


Anja Nitzsche

Endothelial S1P1 Signaling Counteracts Infarct Expansion in Ischemic Stroke
Circulation Research. 2021;128:363–382

2018 Lynda Zeboudj

Selective EGF-Receptor Inhibition in CD4þ T Cells Induces Anergy and Limits Atherosclerosis
JACC Vol. 71, N°2, 2018, January 16, 2018:160-72


Miguel Jiménez-Alcázar
Chandini Rangaswamy            

Host DNases prevent vascular
occlusion by neutrophil
extracellular traps
Science 358,1202-1206 (2017)


Emiel van der Vorst  

High-Density Lipoproteins Exert Pro-
inflammatory Effects on Macrophages via Passive Cholesterol Depletion and PKC-NF-KB/STAT1-IRF1 Signaling

Cell Metab. 2017 Jan 10;25(1):197-207


Katrin F. Nickel

The polyphosphate-factor XII pathway
drives coagulation in prostate cancer-
associated thrombosis

Blood. 2015;126(11):1379-1389


Andrew Sage

MHC Class II-Restricted Antigen
Presentation by Plasmacytoid
Dendritic Cells Drives
Proatherogenic T Cell Immunity

Circulation 2014;130:1363-1373


Martin Schmitt      

Endothelial JAM-A guides monocytes into
flow-dependent predilection sites of atherosclerosis

Circulation 2014;129(1):66-76



*Nikolina Papac-Milicevic

                *lecture only 

The interferon stimulated gene 12 inactivates vasculoprotective functions of NR4A nuclear receptors. Circulation Research 2012; 110 (8):e50-63